ServerIP address - Note: If you have a router, this address is the internal address,and you need to configure ports forwarding (设置服务器IP) serverIP192.168.1.
SteamCommunication Port - Note: If you have a router you will need toopen thisport. (Steam端口,需要打开该端口,方法上面写了) serverSteamPort8766
GameCommunication Port - Note: If you have a router you will need toopen thisport. (同上) serverGamePort27015
QueryCommunication Port - Note: If you have a router you will need toopen thisport. (同上) serverQueryPort27016
Serverdisplay name (服务器显示的名字) serverName
Maximumnumber of players (允许加入服务器的最多玩家数) serverPlayers 8
EnableVAC (Valve Anti-cheat System at the server. Must be setofforon (是否允许作弊) enableVACon
Serverpassword. blank means nopassword (服务器密码,空着表示没密码) serverPassword
Serveradministration password. blank means nopassword(服务器管理员密码,空着表示没密码) serverPasswordAdmin
YourSteam account name. blank means anonymous (你的Steam令牌) serverSteamAccount
Timebetween server auto saves in minutes - The minumum timeis15 minutes, thedefault timeis30 (自动保存时间间隔,最短15分钟,默认30分钟) serverAutoSaveInterval15
Gamedifficulty mode. Must be setto Peaceful Normal or Hard(游戏难度,和平Peaceful、一般Normal或困难Hard) difficultyNormal
New orcontinue a game. Must be settoNeworContinue(玩家进入服务器后是新开还是继续,建议设置为继续continue) initTypeContinue
Slot tosave the game. Must be set1234or5 (保存位置) slot 1
Showevent log. Must be setofforon ( 事件记录日志) showLogs on
Contactemail forserveradmin (管理员邮箱) serverContact
Noenemies (有无野人) veganModeoff
Noenemies during day time (白天有无野人) vegetarianModeoff
Resetall structure holes when loading a save (加载存档时是否刷新地下洞穴的物品和怪) resetHolesModeoff
Regrow10% of cut down trees when sleeping(是否允许在玩家睡觉时使被砍倒的树木生长10%) treeRegrowModeoff